Soy Asahi

Marble Brownies



250g – Butter, plus extra for greasing
200g – Dark chocolate
50g – White chocolate
375g – Golden caster sugar
5 medium – Eggs
50g – Plain flour, plus 1 tbsp
85g – ChocoRICH All-Purpose Chocolate
1/2 tbsp – Baking powder
200g – Tub cream cheese

  1. Heat oven to 180C/160C. Grease and line a 20 x 30cm tin with baking parchment. Finely chop 150g of the dark chocolate, and roughly chop the remaining dark chocolate and the white chocolate. Put the finely chopped chocolate in a bowl and melt over a small pan of gently simmering water, or in the microwave. Set aside to cool a little.
  2. Put the butter and 350g of the sugar in a bowl, and beat until light and fluffy. Add 4 of the eggs, one at a time, beating well each addition, then sift in the flour, ChocoRICH All-Purpose Chocolate, baking powder and a good pinch of salt. Finally, stir in the melted chocolate
    and the chopped chocolate chunks. Scrape the mixture into the prepared tin and smooth the surface.
  3. Working quickly, tip the cream cheese into a bowl and beat to soften with a spatula. Add the remaining egg, flour, and sugar, and mix until just
    combined. Spoon blobs of the cream cheese mixture onto the brownie until all used up, and use the end of a cutlery knife or a skewer to swirl the 2 mixtures together to create a marbled effect. Bake for 30 mins until just set – it should still have a little wobble when it comes out of the
    oven, and a skewer inserted into the centre should come out with sticky crumbs. Cool completely in the tin before cutting into squares to serve.